Lymphatic Drainage Therapy


We all know that massage can be a great way to relax and reduce stress. However, did you know that lymphatic drainage therapy is an excellent way to boost your immune system? Lymphatic drainage helps your body detoxify, remove waste products and improve circulation. In this article we’ll look at what lymphatic drainage is, how it works and why it might be beneficial for you! Oxygen therapy North Sydney increases oxygen levels in the body, supporting healing and improving cell function.

Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle form of massage that accelerates the circulation of the lymph fluid in the body.

Lymphatic Drainage is a gentle form of massage that accelerates the circulation of the lymph fluid in the body. Lymphatic drainage can increase immune system function and helps to detoxify your body. It also improves circulation, which increases energy levels, relieves pain and reduces swelling.

Lymphatic drainage is used by massage therapists as part of their overall treatment plans for clients with chronic conditions such as fibromyalgia or lymphedema (swelling caused by excess lymph).

A lymphatic massage therapist uses both hands to perform a series of light or moderate strokes along different areas on each side of your body including:

  • Upper chest and back area;
  • Middle shoulder area; and
  • Lower arm/hand area

This can help detoxify your body’s tissues as well as boost your immune system.

Lymphatic drainage therapy is a gentle and non-invasive treatment that helps remove toxins from the body. It can also boost your immune system, which will help you fight off infections, or even chronic fatigue or cellulite.

Some symptoms of poor lymphatic drainage are puffy eyes, cold hands and feet, brain fog, fatigue and swollen glands.

Some symptoms of poor lymphatic drainage are puffy eyes, cold hands and feet, brain fog, fatigue and swollen glands. If you’re experiencing a combination of these symptoms then it could be that your lymphatic system isn’t functioning properly.

Other common signs include feeling tired or stressed out. You may also feel angry all the time or might get easily irritated with others. Feeling emotional is another sign that something’s not quite right in your body – perhaps you’re more emotional than usual? If so then this could be due to an imbalance in your hormones or other chemical processes taking place in your body which can lead to an overactive immune system (which makes us feel anxious).

Lymphatic therapists use very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase lymph flow.

You’ll be in a comfortable position with your therapist. They will use very light pressure and long, gentle, rhythmic strokes to increase lymph flow. Lymphatic massage is done by massaging the skin in the direction of lymph flow. It stimulates lymph vessels and removes waste products from tissues and organs through a network of nodes that act like filters for toxins in your body.

The technique follows the direction of lymph flow towards the heart.

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that carry lymph fluid throughout your body. It is part of the circulatory system, which carries blood to and from your heart to help supply oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body.

Lymphatic fluid is produced by cells in the body, but it doesn’t contain red blood cells or platelets because it doesn’t need to deliver oxygen or clotting factors. Instead, lymphatic fluid contains immune cells (white blood cells), antibodies and waste products such as dead tissue or bacteria.

Massaging the skin in this way stimulates lymph vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and remove waste products.

Massaging the skin in this way stimulates lymph vessels which carry substances vital to the defence of the body and remove waste products. As well as this, it helps reduce swelling, inflammation and pain. It also improves circulation so helping you to feel more relaxed and less stiff.


the skin

The aim is to work through a network of lymph nodes, so that lymph is drained away from swollen areas to return to normal circulation.

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, nodes and tissues that help remove waste products and other toxins from the body. It’s also part of your immune system. The aim of lymphatic drainage therapy is to work through a network of lymph nodes, so that lymph is drained away from swollen areas to return to normal circulation. This can reduce inflammation and pain while boosting immunity in the process.

You may feel refreshed after a lymphatic drainage massage because it boosts your immune system!

After a lymphatic massage, you may feel refreshed because it boosts your immune system!

The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins from your body. During normal functioning, the lymphatic system filters out excess fluids and other waste materials in the body. When this process is interrupted or slowed down by injury or illness, toxins can build up in the body causing fatigue and other symptoms such as swelling or tenderness in one area of your body. Lymphatic drainage stimulates this important system which helps boost immunity by removing harmful substances more efficiently than simply resting at home would on its own!


In conclusion, lymphatic drainage is a simple technique that can help you to feel more refreshed and energised. It’s also good for detoxifying your body’s tissues as well as boosting your immune system. The lymphatic system is a vital part of your body that helps remove toxins from cells and transport them away from the tissues where they are stored in fat cells (especially around the hips). When this process becomes blocked it can lead to swelling in various parts of our bodies such as hands or feet which could indicate an underlying problem like low levels of iron or poor circulation. Read more about how lymphatic drainage can energize you.