How to Clean a Glass Table Top with The Right Products


Cleaning a glass table top is a delicate task. This can be especially challenging if you have an antique or vintage piece or if the table is made of tempered or float glass, which are both more fragile than other types of glass. If you’re cleaning a new table that doesn’t have any scratches or cracks in it, then you can use pretty much any cleaner on it with little risk to your piece. However, if your table has nicks, chips or deep scratches in it already (or if you’re just not sure), then there are some things you should know before proceeding with this project:

Sand down the glass.

Sand down the glass. A sanding sponge is a good tool to use for this, but if you don’t have one, you can also use an old towel or even a piece of cloth. Use circular motions on your table top and apply light pressure as you work in one direction only (which should be with the grain). If you need a glass for table top cut to size near me just get in touch with

Clean the vinyl top and frame.

Now that you’ve cleaned the glass table top, it’s time to clean the frame and vinyl. To start, take a soft cloth and wipe down the vinyl surface with warm water mixed with mild dish soap (1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap per quart of water). Wring out your cloth so it’s not dripping wet before wiping away any dirt on the frame as well. Dry off both surfaces with another clean cloth after rinsing them off to make sure they’re dry before putting them back in place.

Remove any stickers from the glass surface.

Remove any stickers from the glass surface.

If you don’t remove them, they will leave a residue on your table top and make it harder for you to clean later. Use a razor blade or box cutter to carefully scrape off any stickers from the glass. Be careful not to scratch up your table!

Choose a cleaner that’s safe for glass.

When choosing a cleaner, make sure that it is specifically made for use on glass. Abrasive cleaners can scratch the surface of your table and leave behind an oily residue that will attract dust and dirt. You also want to look out for products that claim they’re safe for all surfaces but end up leaving streaks or smudges on your tabletop after you’ve used them.

Apply the cleaner to the glass with a cloth.

  • Use a soft, lint-free cloth. Paper towels or spray cleaners can leave scratches on your glass table top, so it’s best to use a soft cloth when cleaning your tabletop.
  • Don’t scrub too vigorously. In addition to being gentle with the cleaner and cloth, be sure not to scrub too hard when applying the cleaner or wiping it off–doing so could cause damage to your furniture piece!

Wipe off any excess cleaner with a clean cloth.

Once you have applied the cleaner to your glass table top, use a clean, soft cloth to wipe off any excess. Wipe in the direction of the grain and avoid using paper towels or a rough cloth. A scouring pad may seem like it’s doing its job when you first use it, but it could leave scratches on your glass surface that will be impossible to get rid of later on.

You can clean a glass table top with a few simple steps, but it takes some work to get it done right.

Cleaning a glass table top is not as simple as you may think. It takes a few steps, but it’s important to get it right.

First, you need to sand down the surface of the glass with fine-grit sandpaper (800 grit). This will help remove any scratches from cleaning products or other materials that have been used on your table top in the past.

Second, clean off any remaining residue from this step with rubbing alcohol and cotton balls or rags. You don’t want anything left behind because it could scratch off when you’re applying new finishes later on!


There’s no doubt that cleaning a glass table top can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right tools and products, you can get your table looking like new in no time at all!