Vaping and Lung Health: The (Surprising) Benefits


Vaping has been gaining attention in the last few years, and for good reasons. There’s a lot of misinformation out there, but it’s not all bad news. We’re going to talk about what vaping is and how it compares to smoking, as well as its benefits on lung health. The iget bar vape product have different flavour you can choose from.

What is vaping?

Vaping is the act of inhaling and exhaling the vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. It’s often called e-cigarette, e-cigar or e-pipe because it’s so similar to traditional smoking that you could easily mistake it for a cigar if you weren’t paying attention.

Vaping devices are made up of three parts: battery, atomizer (or heating element), and cartridge/tank holder. The battery powers the heating element and creates vapor when activated; as you inhale through your mouthpiece (or ‘mouthpiece’ in our case), this warm vapor travels into your lungs where it mixes with oxygen and exits through another part of your body—your throat—to become smoke again!

What are the benefits of vaping?

Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking. It’s also less harmful to your health than traditional cigarettes, cigars and other forms of tobacco.

Vaping has been shown to have many health benefits that outweigh those of smoking. The main difference between vaping and smoking is the amount of nicotine consumed by each person. Many people find that they can stop using cigarettes altogether or reduce how much nicotine they take in by switching from cigarettes to e-cigarettes or vape pens with higher levels of concentration (about 25 mg per tank).

The fact that vaping doesn’t contain any tar means no cancer-causing chemicals are released into our bodies when we exhale through these devices – this is why vaping has been shown time after time again as having many positive effects on our overall well-being!

How does vaping compare to smoking?

Vaping is a healthier alternative to smoking, although the jury is still out on exactly how much healthier it is. The main difference between vaping and smoking is that there’s no combustion involved in vaping—the liquid you’re inhaling isn’t burning up; instead, it’s vaporizing into an aerosol cloud (which we’ll discuss more later).

In addition to being less harmful than actual cigarettes and other tobacco products, vapes also avoid many of their harmful effects: no smoke inhalation or tar inhalation means less chance of lung cancer; no carbon monoxide inhalation means fewer cases of heart disease; ash-free clouds mean fewer respiratory problems for those around us who don’t want them either way!

But not all benefits come from avoiding these hazards directly related to smoking itself—there are some indirect benefits as well! For example: if someone wants to quit cigarettes but hasn’t had success yet due changes in behavior or lifestyle habits like exercise routine/diet plan etc…they might find themselves motivated enough by seeing how easy switching over from vaping makes things easier than quitting cold turkey.”

Vaping has been gaining attention in the last few years, and for good reasons.

Vaping is a safer alternative to smoking. While the chemical composition of e-cigarettes and other vaping devices may vary, studies show that they produce fewer carcinogens than cigarettes and can be used in places where smoking is banned.

Vaping is less addictive than smoking. The nicotine found in e-cigarettes is not present at high levels in the body, which makes it less likely that you’ll become addicted to them (in some cases).

Vaping costs less than cigarettes: An average carton of Marlboro Reds costs $6 per pack compared with $3 for an equivalent amount of Marlboro Lights, according to data from Euromonitor International Ltd., a consumer research firm based in London. That means if you’re buying your own juice instead of buying it on credit, you’re saving money!

Vaping helps people quit smoking altogether if they want to stop but still enjoy nicotine for its effects on brain chemistry—like relaxation or stimulation—and cognitive function (such as memory). Furthermore, many people report feeling calmer when they use e-cigs instead because there’s no burning sensation associated with inhaling smoke into lungs full stop.”


While there are still some questions about the long-term effects of vaping, it is clear that it’s a healthier option than traditional tobacco products. And if you’re looking to switch from smoking cigarettes, you can find help on your journey with us! We have several resources available to guide you along the way as well as personalized coaching sessions tailored specifically for each individual person.