Pipe Relining: Repair Your Pipes Without The Big Dig


There are many reasons why you may want to consider pipe relining Sydney. Here are the most common:

What is pipe relining?

  • Pipe relining is a process where an epoxy liner is inserted into the existing pipe. This can be done through a small opening, such as at a cleanout or valve, or through a direct access to the pipe.
  • The liner is then cured and creates a new pipe inside your old one. The repaired section of your plumbing system functions just like it did before it started leaking — until you need to repair again!

What are the benefits of pipe relining?

Pipe relining is a permanent solution to your pipe problems. The benefits of this repair process include:

  • Cost-effectiveness. Pipe relining costs much less than traditional pipe replacement, and it’s faster too.
  • Safety. Relining is much safer than digging up pipes, which can lead to unfortunate accidents or injuries if you don’t know what you’re doing.
  • Environmentally friendly. Since the old pipes are removed from your property instead of being left behind, there isn’t any waste material from the job that may have to be removed later by other means (such as hauling away all the dirt). Plus, when we use our own materials that are biodegradable and don’t contain any harmful substances (like PVC or lead), we’re not harming Mother Earth with our work!

The Problem With Traditional Piping

Traditional piping repair requires digging up the pipe. This is an expensive process, and it’s common for homeowners to underestimate the damage that the digging will do to their pipes. The actual process of digging up a section of pipe can cause significant damage to your pipes.

The first problem with digging out a section of your plumbing is that it exposes your pipes to the elements for an extended period of time. When you’re working at home and have no choice but to expose your plumbing, you can cover it with tarps or some other waterproofing material. However, when a professional crew cuts into your walls and ceilings, there’s no way for them not only see what they’re doing but also keep water from getting inside the walls where they’re working!

Also problematic: during traditional pipe repair jobs like this one where there’s no choice but exposing large sections of plumbing–especially older ones–there are chances that workers might accidentally damage something else while working on repairing one particular area (such as someone accidentally hitting another pipe with their shovel).

Pipe Relining Is The Smarter Choice

Pipe relining is a smart choice for homeowners, as it provides a more cost-effective option to replacing pipes. Most importantly, however, pipe relining can be performed without shutting off the water supply and other utilities. This means you will be able to stay in your home while we repair your pipes.

Pipe relining is typically done with minimal disruption to the homeowner’s life and property—even if there are multiple floor or wall surfaces that need repairing! Unlike traditional pipe replacement where the entire section of pipeline needs to be replaced, our process allows us to repair only what needs to be repaired.

The process usually takes about one day (depending on the size of your line). During this time our plumbers will dig under pathways around your property so they can access and repair any cracks or leaks present in your piping system. After they complete their work they fill up any holes created during their digging process with backfill material (sand), seal them up with plastic sheeting so no dirt can seep into the ground below, then finally cover them over with sod or mulch so no one sees where we dug on their lawns.”

Pipe relining has many advantages over traditional excavation and the risks that come with it.

Pipe relining is the best option when it comes to repairing your pipes.

It’s a less invasive, more cost effective option and can be completed in a shorter time frame than traditional excavation. It’s also less disruptive to your day-to-day life since no digging is required.


If you are in need of a solution to your leaking, clogged or broken pipes, click here to contact us today. We can help!