College Degrees Are The Nation’s New Currency

Private child care courses will include child protection, introduce ethical and nurturing practices in working with children, and understanding child abuse. College degrees are the new FIAT currency, it seems like everyone has one these days. The promises of success that just await for anyone who is willing to sign their names on the dotted line. It’s unfortunate how many of us have fallen for the dream of a great future and only to find out that you are just like the rest.

Working in drab corporate offices and indulging in office politics as it is the only way to get ahead in the corporate world. Work and toil your ass off hoping for one day maybe you can sit back and relax and not work so hard anymore.

But soon you will realize that the dream they sold you when you were younger was just that a dream! A dream where you will never achieve in your real life and if you do you will always be under some one else’s boot.

You realize this while you sit in traffic in the morning rush to get to work. In a cubicle breathing unfiltered air and being around people you do not like. This is what happens to every person everyday!

Having a college degree and I have said this time and time again that they do not guarantee success. Success has to come from you wanting it bad enough to create your own. Now a days college degrees are the new FIAT currency! Like the dollar there is so many people out there exchanging money all over the place and while this is happening the dollar slowly continues to lose its value. The more money is out on the street the less you can buy with it.

The 25 cents bag of chips a few years ago is now a dollar today. I’m not much of an Economist but at least I know that something is wrong with this picture. This rings true with college degrees!

The more people take the time to get one the more the degree loses its value like a FIAT currency.

A college degree is just a piece of paper that is backed by nothing except to keep you in debt. It does not guarantee you a job, that has to come from you and not your FIAT college degree.

In the beginning College Degrees did hold a lot of weight behind it and at one time promised you a shot at success. Just like the Dollar did when this country was young. But as time progressed the value of both continue to deteriorate more and more to a point that some day soon Average Joe or Jane will not be able to pay for a good education anymore.

So many people with degrees walking around fighting for the same types of jobs. You are just another face in the crowd of millions who are hitting the pavement everyday. You ask yourself why! Why did I spend all this money only to find out that it is worth nothing. Colleges and Universities pump out college degrees by the thousands! Any type of degree you want I’m sure some college or university is already teaching.

College degrees are the new FIAT currency of colleges and universities everywhere. It is in their best interests to keep the money train coming in and continue to sucker naive people into getting themselves in debt. They do not care what you major in!

Just look around at the types of stupidity they try to sell as education. I know for me when I got my degree I had to put on some comfortable shoes and hit that pavement hard! Most of the interviews they did not even bother to ask if I had a college degree they only ask if I can do the job that they expect me to do.

Hear that noise?

Those are the degree mills pumping out degrees non stop! Worthless paper that cannot even get you through the door these days. Many young people these days are suffering as it has become extremely difficult for them to begin living their lives.

The Colleges and Universities no longer teach what the students need to know about real life and its difficulties. They do not teach you how to adapt to your environment or to be smart enough to survive.

Be smart and do not allow yourself to be manipulated by those that claim they are the authority, always ask yourself or even those people that claim to be looking out for you questions.

Do not be led like Sheep to the slaughter!

There are many other roads to success getting a College Degree is just one of many and it is not the only road to take. Research the field you want to study and make a realistic decision!

Like if I study this will I have jobs available to me when I finish? In this volatile economic times you never know if you will have a job when you get out of college.

Which is why you should ask many questions and research. Don’t be a fool and be led astray and broke!

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How to Grab the Attention of Visitors?

It’s not anymore the “keywords” that drive the SEO. Social and professional networking sites are increasingly used to popularize websites. Yes, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and LinkedIn are great platforms to increase traffic to your site that too without spending money, but how to use them effectively to grab the attention of visitors? A business-related user name, an interesting profile, wide impressive network, useful links, customized URL in the profile, regular posts, reply to feedback and updates are some of the few simple things you have to incorporate to promote your site.

Here are few tips to help you optimize the benefits offered:

Your user name says it all. Select a user name related to your business to target the customers. For instance, if you are in SEO Marketing Company, choose names such as SEO Marketing Company Expert or SEO Marketing Services Company. This way, your user name will appear in searches people make.

Your profile should be interesting for the visitor to visit the links you post in them. You should make use of the all the features in these sites such as posting videos and adding links to evince interest in your site. Vice versa post links of your social networking account in your website.

Most of the social networking sites provide the option to customize the URLs. Provide the URL in your profile. Widen your network by sending invite to friends, relatives, coworkers and other acquaintances. Find people having similar interests and invite them.

Start a group related to your business and invite people to join it to get targeted visitors. Be active and interactive. Accept feedback and reply to posts. Update with new products, services, promos, videos, photos, news tit bits and interesting links. All the great personalities including Hollywood and business tycoons have an account in social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace. Who knows one or many of them may become your customers and attract more followers to your site? So why not cash in on these sites and attract the visitors to your site as they are really a powerful tool to promote your site. Click here our seo packages Sydney that can attract more visitors in your website.

How to Know When or If It’s Time to Get Married

If you are settled into a long-term relationship then it is possible that one or both of you are starting to think about the next step forward and that is getting married in nsw which you will secure first some documents. This is something that you need to talk to your partner about because it’s a road that you have to walk together. You also have to realize that just because you are ready to get married, it does not mean that your partner is, so relax and continue working at building your relationship. Now some couples are content to remain happily unmarried for those who are not, you need to know how to know when it’s time to get married?

Marriage is a serious commitment, it means being ready, willing, and able to spend the rest of your life with your partner. You need to know what you are letting yourself in for, so do you know enough about your partner to say that you can spend the rest of your life with them? In order to know what kind of person they are you need to have seen them at their worst and their best, you need to know what makes them tick, what their wants and needs are, and you have to understand where they are coming from, to be able to view things through their eyes. If you are happy that you really know your partner, then it could be time to get married.

Why do you want to get married? It’s all very well having the perfect partner, but if you want your marriage to work you have to be getting married for the right reasons. If you do not want to marry your partner because you love them, are happy with them, are comfortable with them, and that you want to spend the rest of your life with them, then it’s probably not time to get married. If you have issues in your life, or you have problems in your relationship, then getting married will not change them, it could potentially make them worse.

So you are happy with your partner but how strong is your relationship? How do you deal with disagreement? Every relationship has its share of arguments but not every relationship deals with them in the same way. Has your relationship had to face real adversity losing your job, somebody dying. There are seemingly perfect relationships that can fold when faced with the worst that life can throw at them, you have to be able to stand together and work through the bad times, for better, worse. Some couples seem unable to comprehend that shouting does not deal with issues, while other couples look at an issue and find a way to deal with it. If you can handle arguments quickly and without resentment, and if you can deal with issues as they arise and not wait till the blow out of all proportion, if you can take the worst that life can throw at you and still be together, then it’s time to get married.

There’s not much point of getting married if you are not going to be happy together, and if you cannot have fun together. You need to have shared interests, things that you both enjoy doing together. In to keep an element of newness and excitement running through your marriage keep looking for new things to do, visit, and see. It’s great going out on dates, but if you don’t have any variety then those dates which should be all about fun, can end up dull and boring. You know that it’s time to get married if, despite being in a long-term relationship, you can still enjoy being with each other, having fun, making the most out of your life together.

If you want to be able to move into the future with each other, then you need to share a joint vision of that future, you have to want the same things. If you both want very different things for your marriage and are unable to compromise, then you will be unable to work as a partnership, you will end up resenting each other, and ultimately you will add to the divorce statistics. If you are working together, then you are always looking to the future which gives your marriage an air of permanence. You can set yourself joint goals, such as where you will live, vacation, and when to start a family. Every time you achieve a goal then find a new one, so that you are always looking to the future.

Do you connect with each other? If you are going to make a success of you marriage you have to be able to communicate with each other, both verbal and non-verbal and really listen to what the other has to say. You need to be able to share your thoughts, emotions, problems, in fact everything that makes you, you. You have to let your partner know how much you love and appreciate them, and you have to mean it. In a world awash with words you have to be able to add substance to your by doing things that can make your partner happy, showing them that you love and care. You have to be happy to give everything of yourself, and not expect anything in return. You have to do things for your partner just because it will make them happy, which incidentally will make you happy as well. If your love for your partner is unselfish, if you love them for the sake of who they are, then it’s time to get married.

How to know when, or if it is time to get married? Getting married is something that you both have to want to do, it’s a commitment that you have to make together. If you are happier being happily unmarried, then so long as you are happy, isn’t that what matters? If you are going to take this step the you have to be certain that you are with the right person and that your motives for marrying are the right one. Your partner has to be someone who you are happy to spend the rest of your life with, and that you are able to spend the rest of your life with. If you have a good quality relationship now, if you enjoy your life together, and if you are ready to commit to creating the best possible marriage, then away and get married, and I hope that you have a very happy life together.

When the unfortunate time comes to bid farewell to a loved one, especially after years of shared companionship through marriage, it can be an emotionally challenging experience. During such difficult times, Ann Wilson Funeral Services can offer invaluable assistance and support. With their compassionate and professional approach, they understand the sensitivity of the situation and provide a comprehensive range of funeral services to meet the unique needs of each family. Whether it’s arranging the funeral ceremony, providing grief counseling, or handling necessary paperwork, Ann Wilson Funeral Services ensures a dignified and heartfelt farewell for your departed spouse, alleviating some of the burdens and allowing you to focus on healing and cherishing the memories of your beloved partner.

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